Our organization is dedicated to bringing hope and joy to elderly residents in nursing homes and assisted living facilities. We deliver poinsettias at Christmastime and lilies at Easter. We are proud to continue Carrie Maul's legacy of faith, love, and charity.

2024 Golf Tournament Fundraiser
Our Amazing Sponsors
Thank you to each and every sponsor who donated to Carrie's Cause and who came out to play some golf! We cannot touch the lives of nursing home residents without your generosity!

Reestablishing Connections Post COVID-19
The pandemic and subsequent shut-downs posed a unique challenge for our organization. In 2020, we were not able to visit with nursing home residents as we usually do. Rather, we were asked to drop off poinsettias in lobbies. Feeling that our mission was only half-complete that year, we have been allowed back into more and more homes in subsequent years. 2024 looks to be the best yet, but we can only do it with your help! See how you can get involved below.